
Ikke gå glipp av denne [dont´t miss this]

Har du en kreativ spire i magen og ønsker å starte ditt eget? Her finner du virkelig gode tips å ta med på veien! Creative Inc. deler tips hos Decor 8 i dag. Se info under for tidligere besøk og innlegg som kommer. Freelance, or want to be? The best tips for you by Creative Inc. at Decor 8 today. They are in the middle of their tour, and they still have a couple of appearances to make at Kris Atomic and Grain edit. 
8/24 Oh Happy Day jordanferney.blogspot.co
8/25 SFGirl By Bay sfgirlbybay.com
8/26 Mint mintdesignblog.co
8/27 Wit + Delight katearends.com/blog
8/28 Cathy of California cathyofcalifornia.typepad.com
8/29 Book By Its Cover book-by-its-cover.com
8/30 Not Martha notmartha.org
8/31 Frolic elseachelsea.typepad.com
9/1 Upper Case uppercasegallery.ca
9/2 Craft craftzine.com
9/3 Decor8 decor8blog.com
9/4 Kris Atomic blog.krisatomic.com
9/5 Grain Edit grainedit.com 

Link to the book: chroniclebooks.com  ...and you can buy the book.

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